Principal Investigator
michael craig
Michael Craig is an Assistant Professor of Energy Systems in the School for Environment and Sustainability and in Industrial and Operations Engineering at the University of Michigan. Michael grew up in Hershey, PA, the Sweetest Place on Earth. He received a B.A. in Environmental Studies (specializing in Ecology and Biology) from Washington University in St. Louis, an M.S. in Technology and Policy from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a Ph.D. in Engineering and Public Policy from Carnegie Mellon University. In between and after his graduate education, he worked at Oceana and the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory. How climate change and other environmental issues will impact humans and natural systems motivates his research. He counts himself extremely fortunate that the gets to work with amazing people, including all the other members of the ASSET Lab.
Postdoctoral Fellows
Aviad navon
Aviad joined the ASSET Lab in May 2024 as a Postdoctoral Fellow after earning his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. Aviad is jointly appointed between SEAS and Industrial and Operations Engineering. During his doctoral research, Aviad employed game theory to study how decision-making processes affect the evolution of modern electric grids. Collaborating with the Israeli Electric Corporation, Aviad also addressed the challenges associated with integrating clean energy sources into electric grids and proposed viable solutions. Notably, one of his solutions was adopted by the Israeli Electricity Authority. Aviad’s current research focuses on robust decision making for decarbonization of electric grids under deep uncertainty of climate change.
mai shi
Mai is currently a postdoctoral research fellow in the ASSET lab, having joined in December 2024. Mai obtained his Ph.D. from the School of Environment at Tsinghua University, where his doctoral research focused on the potential and utilization of rooftop solar PV in China. From October 2022 to September 2023, Mai was affiliated with the ASSET lab as a visiting Ph.D. student. His research in this period focused on the impacts of climate change on the value of rooftop solar PV across the United States. Mai's current research focuses on the interplay of climate change and technology adoption towards a reliable decarbonized energy system in the future. In his spare time, he enjoys playing and watching soccer.
Research Area Specialists
Franklyn kanyako
Franklyn received his PhD in Industrial Engineering and Operations research from University of Massachusetts Amherst in 2021. His PhD research focused on R&D investment in low carbon energy technologies under deep uncertainty. After working as a postdoctoral researcher at Tufts University in 2021-23, Franklyn joined the ASSET Lab at the University of Michigan in January 2024. His current research focuses on Negative Emissions Technologies integration in energy systems.
PhD Students and Candidates
papa yaw owusu-obeng
Papa Yaw is a 2nd year PhD student at University of Michigan’s School for Environment and Sustainability. He holds a MEng in Industrial and Management Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Papa Yaw’s research interests focus on energy management and financial models to optimize electricity access and resiliency of hybrid microgrids. Prior to graduate school, Papa Yaw worked for the Ghana Energy Commission in promoting electrification in remote communities. He has also worked with the Environmental Defense Fund in designing a resiliency hub microgrid in West Oakland. Papa Yaw grew up in Ghana and is passionate about electricity access, particularly in developing countries.
pamela wildstein
Pamela is a 2nd year PhD student in the School for Environment and Sustainability at the University of Michigan. Supported by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, her research interests include wholesale electricity markets, distributed energy resource aggregations, and decarbonization. Prior to graduate studies, Pamela worked for the Cornell Climate Smart Solutions Program. She holds a B.S. in Environmental and Sustainability Sciences from Cornell University, where she specialized in climate change policy and sustainable city planning, and an MS in Sustainable Systems from the School for Environment and Sustainability. Pamela is passionate about energy policy and understanding the energy transition.
max vanatta
Max is a 2nd year PhD student in the School for Environment and Sustainability. He is particularly interested in modelling and analysis of infrastructure, technology development and policy as they impact our society and the world we live in. Max’s current research analyzes the technoeconomic value of small modular reactors in decarbonizing industrial heat. His prior research quantified the environmental impacts of electrifying boda bodas (or motorcycle taxis) in Kampala, Uganda. Max holds a Master's of Energy Systems Engineering from UM. Before coming to the University of Michigan, Max studied architecture and design.
Martha christino
Martha is a 1st year PhD student in the University of Michigan's School for Environment and Sustainability on a dual track for a second degree in the Climate and Space program. She holds bachelor's degrees in Atmospheric Science/Meteorology and Civil Engineering from Penn State. Martha's research interests focus on combining climate and energy models to create resilient infrastructure. She has specialized in understanding the interdisciplinary threats climate change poses and is passionate about integrating climate security into the national security agenda.
camilo toruno-taylor
Camilo is a 1st year PhD student in Industrial and Operations Engineering at the University of Michigan, utilizing their skills in model-based systems engineering to guide climate action policy. From a young age, Camilo’s concern for the environment drove them to pursue interdisciplinary learning, including studying water recycling and vertical agriculture, as well as exploring renewable energy at Dartmouth where Camilo earned a B.E. in Engineering Sciences and developed synthetic biology tools as a researcher at a biofuels R&D company. Camilo recognized the power of energy modeling in driving climate action through collaborating to advise Dartmouth’s energy transition plans, and motivated by a sense of urgency refocused on the field for their graduate studies.
haochi wu
Haochi is a visiting PhD student in the ASSET Lab from School of Control Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University. Haochi’s research focuses on energy system design and its role in mitigating and adapting to climate change. Haochi is also interested in power system operation, advanced energy conversion & management technologies.
megan jones
Megan is a 1st year PhD student in the School for Environment and Sustainability at the University of Michigan on a dual track for a second degree in the Electrical Engineering program. She holds bachelor's degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Physics from UCLA. Raised on environmentalist ideals and directly exposed to the expansive dangers climate change poses to humanity, Megan is pursuing a PhD with the intention to engage in transformative, interdisciplinary research addressing the current existential problem facing our species. Her current research focuses on applying a Robust Decision Making (RDM) framework to climate-aware capacity expansion modeling for the electricity grid.
wei ai
Wei is a PhD student at the University of Michigan's School for Environment and Sustainability, beginning in 2024. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Energy and Power Engineering from Tsinghua University and a Master's degree from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Wei is interested in macro-energy system modeling and the techno-economic analysis of emerging low-carbon technologies. Currently, he is investigating underground hydrogen storage as a long-duration energy storage solution, with an emphasis on infrastructure retrofitting and expansion dynamics. Wei is committed to contributing to the transition toward a decarbonized future as a researcher. In his spare time, Wei enjoys watching DOTA2 games, working out, and spending time with his girlfriend.
Master’s Students
Undergraduate Students
Marisol Garrouste
Marisol Garrouste received her Ph.D. from University of Michigan's Nuclear Engineering program in 2024. She holds a Master of Science and Executive Engineering from Mines Paristech in France. Marisol's research focused on Integrated Energy Systems, in particular the interaction between nuclear reactors, other carbon-free technologies and various markets. During her PhD, Marisol was a Graduate Fellow at the Idaho National Laboratory. She now works as a Research Engineer at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
andrew schallwig
Andrew graduated in 2024 from the UM College of Engineering studying Computer Engineering. At the lab, he set up a codebase for running EnergyPlus via Python, and helped to integrate EnergyPlus with ResStock. His work is being used in several ongoing projects in the lab. He is now a researcher at the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago.
Srihari (Hari) Sundar
Hari completed his PhD, supervised by Michael, in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Michigan in 2023. His prior work was in materials informatics and data driven modeling. His research at ASSET Lab analyzed meteorological drivers of resource adequacy failures in power systems, and robust decision-making for power systems under deep climate uncertainty. Hari is joining the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory as a Research Engineer in the Grid Planning and Analysis Center.
Ritvik jain
Ritvik graduated with an MS from the School for Environment & Sustainability in 2023. His research focused on understanding residential energy burdens under future climate conditions using computational energy models. He is now a Consultant with Energy and Environmental Economics.
An pham
An received her PhD in Energy Engineering from the Pennsylvania State University. She finished her 2-year fellowship with ASSET Lab in June 2023. Her research focused on grid-scale deployment of negative emissions technologies and technoeconomic analysis of emerging technologies, including thermal energy storage in households. She is now a Research Engineer at the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory in the Accelerated Deployment and Decision Support center and the Grid Planning and Analysis Center.
zihan ye
Zihan graduated in December 2023 with a dual master's student studying sustainable energy systems. Zihan grew up in China, where she obtained her bachelor's in new energy science and engineering. During her undergraduate in the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, she had interned as a sustainable urban plan engineer and renewable power plant lean consultant. Her MS thesis quantified meteorology drivers and storage reliability in high renewable energy penetrated power systems.
bhavesh rathod
Bhavesh graduated with an M.S. in Sustainable Systems from University of Michigan's School for Environment and Sustainability. He now works at the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory with the REopt model to help communities and companies decarbonize their buildings.
larson lovdal
Larson graduated with a dual Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering and the School of the Environment and Sustainability. He focused on the intersection of technology and finance, while engaging critically with the social contexts of these solutions, in order to accelerate a more equitable clean energy transition. He has worked in renewables investment banking, energy strategy & facilities consulting, and residential construction. He is now a Clean Energy Finance Expert at the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory in the Accelerated Deployment and Decision Support center.
Reshmi ghosh
Reshmi graduated with a Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University in 2021. She is now a ML Scientist at Microsoft AI. She researched the reliability of power systems in the future under large renewable energy integration scenarios using data-driven analysis.
deep patel
Deep graduated with an M.S. from the Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences (NERS) at the University of Michigan. He is now a Senior Product Manager at Amazon.
amanda farthing
Amanda graduated with a Master’s degrees in Mechanical Engineering (College of Engineering) and Sustainable Systems (School for Environment and Sustainability) at the University of Michigan in 2021. She now works as a Research Engineer in the Modeling and Analysis Group at the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Her work quantified the value of distributed solar plus storage for public buildings with respect to bill savings, resilience, and climate and health benefits.
meiye wang
May graduated with a Master’s from the Sustainable Systems track of the School for Environment and Sustainability at the University of Michigan in 2021. She now works as a Data Analyst performing vehicles grid integration analysis at The Mobility House, an EV software company aiming to create a zero-emission energy and mobility future. Her thesis quantified the value of Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) in a future California power system.
isaac bromley-dulfano
Isaac graduated with a BSE in Electrical Engineering. His work at ASSET Lab focused on reliability value of renewable energy and on forecasting demand using long-term reanalysis dataset. He is now a Power System Engineer at ISO New England.
julian florez
Julian graduated with a BSE in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Anthropology at the University of Michigan. Julian’s work at the lab focused on quantifying the reliability value of renewables across the Western Interconnection. In the summer of 2021, Julian was an Undergraduate Researcher at the Santa Fe Institute. He now works at American Airlines as an industrial engineer.